Monday, September 24, 2012

Receding relations ? Namratakumari's Blog

Dynamism of life amuses me. It forces me to think again and again flipping through the pages in the book of past. I find some old faces wearing alluring smiles. I find a few of them in the present chapters of my life and few have trailed away leaving a fading impression on my mind.

Once he was the closest to my heart. We could not keep away of texting each other for even a single minute of the day. We shared every possible feeling we could have. A perfect friendship bonded with utmost love and care. Then we parted leading to the new worlds, separated worlds. We talk rarely these days but whenever we do we share our feelings and it makes me feel good.

I messaged him after a week to share the grief of seeing my friends receding away. I asked him-?Don?t you miss me?? and he replied-?I do but I don?t find time to and don?t feel like to talk sometimes?. The reason he stated for this was that he gets tired and sleepy due to the immense workload and thus he has got addicted to the stereotype lifestyle. This made me realize that the friendship is still there but it has taken some different form. He says that friendship got changed because our lives got changed. I feel I am still the same old friend with a changed life. He said-?Given a chance, it might be seen that we are still the same rather it?s the place and work that we are put into which changes things.?

I said I wanted to accept this fact of changing friends and friendship but not at the cost of parting friends. I would never wish to see a gulf between the sweet relations. As a reply to it he said what I had never expected. He said that instead of thinking that way I must try to accept the fact of receding friends which might be difficult but isn?t impossible. I ran out of words and got dumbfounded. I knew he was right but I kept thinking why he can?t be wrong. Why I have to lose my pals when I love them truly? Situations govern our lives but I can?t take them taking over my emotions.

The flickering faces juggle near my eyes. I tried to shape up my life and my relations but I see that workload and lifestyle is shaping up me and my friends and ultimately our relations. I miss those relations which got buried in the past. I love those people who are standing with me today. But I don?t understand how to get over these receding relationships. Shall I accept them the way they are or I should make attempts to save them?

Posted by Namrata Kumari on September 25, 2012


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