Thursday, February 28, 2013

Genius GOPer says, ?A lot of people like being in abusive ...

The GOP talking point is: There is no War on Women, however, they state as such while firing shots at the female gender. A Republican legislator in New Hampshire said while discussing domestic violence during a committee meeting,??A?lot of people like being in abusive relationships.? State Rep. Mark Warden further added, ?Some people could make the argument that a lot of people like being in abusive relationships. It?s a love-hate relationship. It?s very, very common for people to stick around with somebody they love who also abuses him or her.?

Watch the crazy talk:

Granite State Progress is calling on Rep. Warden to publicly apologize to victims of domestic violence and their families for these outrageous remarks. Executive Director Zandra Rice Hawkins: ?Rep. Warden either has a complete lack of understanding about the very real and life-threatening situations that victims of domestic violence experience, or he is utterly cold. His belief that the victim is to blame is beyond comprehension. The year is 2013, not 1963.?

Later Warden claimed that his words were likely taken out of context.

Don?t we all love getting smacked upside the head?

Tags: Granite State progress, Mark Warden, Rep Warden, VAWA, War on Women


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